Marque De Shade

All you need to know about creating a successful adult blog without really trying.

05 August 2006

Tips for Writer's Block

Writer’s block is a terrible thing. Indeed, some bloggers can find it more traumatizing than Hezbollah, and so in order to thwart the beast, they do the next best thing:

- The Meme

- Expound their philosophy of writing like they’re Nobel Laureates.

The Meme:

Supposedly revealing more bits about the writer, the meme acts to provide more information such as your favorite blogger having a penchant for eating grits or foie gras whilst fucking. Some Memes apparently analyze your favorite blogger’s sexual talents. Few bloggers create their own Memes, as most would prefer to be tagged. Tagging involves one person completing the quiz and tagging their friends. If they don’t have blogging friends, it doesn’t matter, they can invite anyone to adopt the Meme and continue the game, or nuclear chain reaction.

Memes supposedly represent the passage of ideas from blog to blog, or in the Muff’s view of all things bloggish, they’re the online equivalent of the Hot Zone, a little like Ebola but lacking the lethal consequences.

You can find more information here, but for now there is this. Yes, I decided to delve into the deeper part of myself to give you the following - the most popular sex meme in this here, sex blogland:

muff diver --


An erotic popsicle

'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at

There you go, erotic popsicle. Now you can go and suck me.

For those who don't do memes, who prefer to wave their philosophical phallus around, they talk non-stop about writing, and what it is or what it isn't. In short, they act like they're literary geniuses. There are many posts that discuss the meaning of writing in sex-blog land, and these posts usually pop up when the sex-blogger has no erotic goods to give. It may work if they're a popular blogger, but I'd advise the newbie sex blogger to stick to the meme.


Blogger The Gobblin' said...

Not being one to follow the herd I turned out as:

A reverse striptease

Muff, does this mean I don't need to post anything now?

Sat Aug 05, 03:25:00 pm  
Blogger Karl Elvis said...

No matter which name variant I use, I always get 'Extremely dominant'.

How did they know that?

Sat Aug 05, 06:14:00 pm  
Blogger Muff Diver said...

That's great Karl. You can spank my incorrigible bottom.

Sun Aug 06, 12:32:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so wish that I could be a member of this blog.


Mon Aug 07, 03:45:00 pm  
Blogger Muff Diver said...

That's like so like penetrated my membranes.

Wed Aug 09, 02:30:00 pm  

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