Marque De Shade

All you need to know about creating a successful adult blog without really trying.

02 August 2006

Commenting 101A

I’m going to pull my hair out and stamp my feet!
I’ll tell you why.

Why hasn’t anyone posted a comment on the Muff’s latest blog post In a Dick of a Pickle asking for suggestions?

Yes, people the subject is commentary and how its more important than cleaning out your ear wax when it comes to sex blogs.

The only rule, the most important rule is this:

You don’t have to read a post in detail to comment. In fact, that’s irrelevant. An intrepid blogger needs to learn how to SKIM READ.

It’s logical because there are so many blogs out there and if you read them all in detail you’d be there for a century, and your teeth would be furry by the time you finished.

Basic rule of thumb is that a blogger can write a work rivaling Karl Marx’s Das Kapital and post it, and your job is easy: ‘Wow, that’s insightful’

Three words.

It’s a comment that puts the ball into the poor blogger’s court, where they have to comment on something you’ve written - even if it’s about how boring your life is.

Yes, they’ll grit their teeth, but it gets the whole process going. It’s like a snowball than can only get bigger.

Other not-so-important rules are:

1) Demand or hint that you want comments by putting it on your webpage: ‘I’m a comment whore, please comment.’ You’d be surprised, but it works. It’s true, the meek will one day inherit the world because they like being bossed about.

2)Post a topic about comments and be blunt about it, while dissecting your latest oral sex session.

3)If you really want to be blunt about it, link the request to the post you want comments on: I want to know what Legend to pick and I’d sure as friggin’ hell want comments, lots and lots of comments because I’m so much of a comment whore that I need a 12 Step Program.

Note: See how I've linked to the post I WANT YOU WONDERFUL (Kissy Kissy tactic) READERS to comment on?


Blogger The Gobblin' said...

Lovely. Must be off now!


Wed Aug 02, 09:37:00 pm  
Blogger Darkneuro said...

Kissy kissy to you too! Thanks for the linkage and I'll reciprocate when I have some time :)

Thu Aug 03, 09:44:00 pm  

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